Posted on August 7, 2017
I am just beginning my career with Attorney at Law Magazine. I started my training in January 2017. I’ve just begun having appointments with potential advertisers and attorneys. This is not an easy career path, but I understood that going in. I’ve opened four magazines in my career and opening a magazine is a multifaceted juggling act that requires a great deal of self-motivation and determination. It isn’t for everyone, that’s for sure. But this is a really terrific opportunity for the right person with the right mindset. Ken REALLY knows his stuff! He communicates his knowledge well and through repetition, he continues his training several times a week with conference/video calls. He can teach you a lot of valuable information and experiences. I am at the point where I have to jump into the ‘very’ deep end of the pool and be willing to fail a bit to get my sea legs and begin getting a handle on my presentations. I truly believe in the product and the leadership as well as my ability to launch this publication into a successful business. Furthermore, I believe that the hard work will pay off and the lifestyle that I once enjoyed in my previous publishing life will be mine again. I love the freedom that this business model offers in my daily life and believe I will be as satisfied with my professional life and compensation as I was in the past. I highly recommend this opportunity and think you should search your soul and if this is the right move for you, I suggest that Target Market Media is the right place to partner with.