Florida Publishers Bringing Attorney at Law Magazine to Orlando
Posted on June 1, 2018
ORLANDO (June 1, 2018) – Target Market Media Publications Inc., the publisher of Attorney at Law Magazine, is pleased to announce that Attorney at Law Magazine publishers Rhenne Leon and Thomas Brady have decided to expand their reach and publish an edition of the magazine in Orlando.
“Tom and Rhenne are two of our strongest publishers,” CEO Ken Minniti said. “We believe that the Orlando market is ripe to host an edition of Attorney at Law Magazine and I’m glad to see two members of our team stepping up to expand the Attorney at Law Magazine brand.”
Thomas Brady, the publisher of Attorney at Law Magazine First Coast in Jacksonville, and Rhenne Leon the publisher of Attorney at Law Magazine in Miami and Palm Beach County, are planning to launch the premiere issue this fall. They are currently accepting nominations for Attorney of the Month, Young Attorney Spotlight and Law Firm of the Month.
In addition to accepting nominations, the publishers are currently looking for local experts to write regular columns and for legal vendors interested in purchasing advertising.
About Attorney at Law Magazine
Attorney at Law Magazine is a tightly focused business-to-business trade publication providing industry-focused information to private practice attorneys. Each edition of Attorney at Law Magazine provides local information on legal topics, practice management and business development. The flagship publication premiered in 2009, since then the magazine has grown with editions across the country from Los Angeles to Miami. For more information about the magazine, visit www.AttorneyAtLawMagazine.com.
About Target Market Media Publication, Inc.
Target Market Media is the publisher of Attorney at Law Magazine, Real Estate Agent Magazine and C-Level Magazine. Target Market Media is a unique company focused on niche media and marketing. The company goal has always been to provide effective solutions to customers by helping them reach very specific professional clients. The company dates back to 1994 and the formation of ADKP Media, a marketing consultant company that published the real estate trade publication, Broker Agent Magazine.